We ship worldwide to all countries served by FedEx, UPS, DHL and TNT. Minimum
order requirement for international orders is $300.00 (not including the
shipping fees). All orders including international orders must be placed online.
Most images in this website are linked to the ordering and pricing pages, so you
can see the prices and complete your order online.
Payments may be made by credit
card. If for some reason your credit card is not accepted, the website will
create a proforma invoice for you and give you alternate payment instructions.
If you do not have an
internationally recognizable credit card or you prefer to pay via ACH or wire
transfer, please select "Get a quote" in the shopping cart. Complete your order
and print your quote. You can then find and print the proforma invoice and
payment instructions online.
Click on "Track My Order" at the
bottom of any page in our website. Enter your quote number and email address to
log in. Select the link for proforma invoice and print it. Your proforma invoice
will usually contain the payment instructions. If the P/I does not show the
payment information send us an email with your quote number and request a
proforma invoice with payment instructions.
For custom orders and private
label orders please call Mohammad Hamzeh at: (973) 777-3113 or send an
email to:
info @ Mini Science . com